Style Intern - Gabriella Garza


I am so thrilled to announce that we have a new Style Intern this semester - Gabriella Garza! Ever since I photographed her senior portraits back in April 2014, Gabriella and I have remained good friends.  She's very much like a little sister to me.  Her positivity, maturity, and natural fashion sense made her the perfect candidate for this internship.  Every monday, she'll be putting together collages of outfit inspirations to help you plan your own stylish senior portrait wardrobe. 

As part of Gabriella's introduction, I've asked her to fill out a fun little magazine quiz, so that you can get to know her better.

In addition, you can check out Gabriella's personal blog and instagram, where she posts some of her daily inspirations.

About Gabriella

favourite holiday destination….  California

I’m most comfortable when….  I’m with my family or doing things I’m passionate about.

minimal or maximal…  Minimal because it means the only direction to go is up.

monotone or colour….  Monotone because I love how simple and elegant it looks.

all I want for 2015 is…  to be happy and live in peace.

if you had three wishes…  1. Go back in time and watch The Beastie Boys and Nirvana in concert. 2. Be on Saturday Night Live 3. World peace

favourite flower… Pink Carnation

signature dance move… Napoleon Dynamite’s Dance

secret talent…  I can beatbox the Super Mario Brothers theme song

guilty pleasure…  Sour Patch Kids

most proud of…  My Sister

ideal date…   would be going to an amusement park or carnival.

favourite designer… Victoria Beckham and Jeffrey Campbell.

favourite item…  My vintage Rolling Stones and Journey original concert shirts

a great night out is….  being surrounded with people I love and anything that involves music or comedy.

who would play you in a film…  this one is probably unexpected but Kristen Wiig because she is a comedic genius!

best dish to cook…   Stir Fry

can’t stop listening to…  Red Hot Chili Peppers and The Cure

creativity is…   unique and inspiring because it is self expression that comes from the heart of an individual.

life motto…  Dreaming big shows how far you will go but you have to work hard and go for the gold.