2014 - Making it Count
2014 was a very strange and wonderful year for me. It was my first full year of being married, and that truly changes a woman (in the best way possible). My grandfather passed away, an event I'm still coping with in my own way. The world became a different place when he left. Still it was a year of magnanimous blessings and joys in many other respect. I photographed 84 photoshoots by year-end, more than I've ever done in a year. And 2014 was also the year I finally became confident enough to give back the knowledge I had gained to mentor other photographers.As I'm writing this, I suddenly feel very grown-up, as if I was looking back at another stage in my life. Time flies extraordinarily quickly. I was talking to a friend some months ago, and we realized that our 10 year High School reunion is next year. That's crazy to me. I remember high school so very clearly: all the activities, friends, and hopes for the future. Then in a flash, it feels as if I've been time-warped 9 years into the future and here I am.My point is every moment counts. Senior year counts.Below are just some of the clients that I've photographed this year. Many of the photos you might have already seen on my Instagram, but I tried to post many that you haven't seen as well.This isn't a Best-Of list of photos. There are actually many great photographs I didn't post. I just wanted to share with you some portraits that exemplified the diversity, the uniqueness, and beauty of each individual. None of my clients are the same. Even when they are being photographed in the same location, their portraits are clearly distinct and their own. It is always my hope that a photoshoot experience with me will allow them to see how truly mind-boggling lovely and unique God has created them to be. I hope the portraits gives them renewed confidence at school and in life down the road.Like you, I want my life to count. I want to be remembered as someone who added beauty to this world.I think I've done that this year, and I hope to do it for many years to come. Thank you so much for your support and for believing in me. Happy 2015!