Clare - Houston Nature Senior Pictures
This photoshoot with Clare was a dream. Not only are her and her mom some of the sweetest people I've ever met, I love that they were so willing to try things that we had spoken about during the pre-session consultation.Clare's session was actually photographed on an extremely windy day. To minimize hair blowing everywhere, our hairstylist created a mini-braid crown for her so that the front of her hair can stay put, while the back can still be loose and flowy.Clare is best friends with Grace, whom I photographed only a few weeks prior, and they're both going to A&M! Those Aggie girls sure stick together.
I took the liberty of sticking some flowers in her hair. Aren't they so pretty? I love spring.
One of the things Clare told me about was that she loves to read, and the book she brought along for the shoot, The Great Expectation, was gifted by her grandmother. (How sweet!) It just so happened that on this gorgeous week when photographed her, this tree was in full bloom with flowers. So of course we had to spread out a blanket and have her read under a tree.The above photo was inspired by the first scene of the Pride and Prejudice film (Kiera Knightley version) when Elizabeth walks through the field reading a book.
We ended the shoot at my favorite hanging bridge, and this last image of Clare is absolutely perfect! She's looking forward, and not looking back. I'm guessing somebody is ready for summer, college, and beyond. :)