Tutorial: How to Create a Silhouette Photo


Silhouette photos, when done appropriately, can be dynamic and mysterious.  It can heighten the mood of the surrounding and draw focus to the raw shape of the subject being photographed.  Here’s how you can create a silhouette photo in camera with 3 simple steps.STEP 1:  Place your subject in a poorly lit area, but make sure the background is well lit.  Windows are great for silhouette photos  when it’s bright outside.  To add more contrast, I recommend turning the indoor lights completely off.STEP 2: Meter for the background, not for the subject.  I recommend turning on spot metering for better accuracy.  In general, your shutter speed will be fast.  In this photo, I have mine on 1/640.Step 3:   When in post-production, crank up the constrast!  You can also paint over some areas if the subject doesn’t look dark enough.  In this case, I painted over my subject’s face, but left her legs alone because I wanted to draw attention to her well toned muscles and her fabulous shoes.

~~~~~~~Fun Tip for Non-Photographers~~~~~~~

Anyone who has a point-and-shoot and iPhone can take pictures similar to the above photo.  Grab a friend near sun down, place him/her in between you and the sun, and snap away.  5 minutes before sundown is the best time of the day to do these photos because the sun is right above the horizon.  I took the photo above with my iPhone.