Found: SEO E-book for Photographers by Lawrence Chan Review
One of the hardest challenges I've faced since starting my business is 'how do I get my name out there?' 'how can I get people to find out about me so they can hire me?" For the most part, artists are people who have their heads in the clouds. They dream and try to recreate their dreams for every body. It's a wonderful thing, and we need people like that in our society. However, very few artists are business minded enough to run a sustainable business from the art they create. For me personally, I've really struggled with the marketing aspect. I can create really beautiful photographs, but if people don't know about me, I don't have a canvas to work with. People are my canvas, and I can't create art without the wonderful folks who commission me for their portraits.Luckily, I came upon Lawrence Chan's SEO E-book for Photographers on facebook. Lawrence was looking for early beta-testers for the book, and I thought 'why not? I could really use help on this.' So I signed-up to test, read it, and for the last two weeks, I've been implementing strategies from the 126 page e-book.Firstly, I will tell you that this e-book had everything I was looking for to learn how to navigate search engine optimization. The language in the book was simple, effective, and easy to understand. Compared to the last SEO book I read, which I put down after twenty pages, Lawrence's e-book was so much more entertaining. It was filled with illustrations and pictures of how to actually implement the strategies instead of just theories and fluff. I didn't feel like I was reading a 300 page book that should have been written in ten. It was chalk full of good content, and I enjoyed every bit of it.Originally, I never had any intentions on writing a review because I thought it would take quite some time before I could see results. To my surprise, that was not the case. Prior to, I didn't use spam filters on my comment system. I didn't really need to. Usually, I'd get zero to maybe two spam a week. Not a big deal. However, in the past two weeks, I've jumped to having 30+ in a day. On the one hand, I'm like, "Oh no! Spam!" On the other hand, I'm also really excited because that means that FINALLY I'm on somebody's radar. The bots and web crawlers are finally picking up my website, and Ling Wang Photography is now on the map. I may still be far out on the map, but I'm at least on there. And that's really exciting.I'm looking forward to seeing what the SEO changes will do for my website a few months down the line.In the mean time, I'm just thankful for my clients and friends. This studio is predominantly supported by word-of-mouth of people whom I've photographed, which to me, is still better than any search engine result. It means that somewhere along the line, I've made a connection. I would be no where without the love and support of you all. Thank you so much.LINKS:Tofurious - Lawrence Chan's BlogFound: SEO E-Book for Photographers (Available October 2)------Follow Me on Facebook