Snow White and the Huntsman Inspired Photoshoot - Oh! Fox Vintage - Part 3


Lips red as blood, Hair black as night, Bring me your heart, My dear, dear Snow White.

 I absolutely cannot wait until “Snow White and the Huntsman” comes out. Charlize Theron’s interpretation of the wicked stepmother sent chills down my spine when I first saw the trailer. I have to admit, this shoot wasn’t originally Snow White inspired, but when I was editing it, I saw the striking resemblance between Brittany (the model) and Kristen Stewart in the movie, and went with it. This shoot was done within the same time-frame of the last blog post with Candice. The light has gone down a bit, and I shot and edited differently to give these photos a different feel than the last.

Hair: Leah Van HornMakeup: Leslie SuggsModel: Brittany Griffin (Neal Hamil Agency)Creative Direction, Wardrobe, and Styling:Candice DePrang of Oh! Fox Vintage