Referral Program

Loved your Ling Wang Photography Experience? Spread the love and earn a future photoshoot or free products/prints!

Starting in 2024, if anyone puts your name in the referral box when they book with us, you will automatically earn $50 studio credit per booked referral.

Studio credits can be used towards a future photoshoot (of any genre) at Ling Wang Photography or it can be used towards prints/products. You can collect and redeem your credits right away or you can wait for it to accumulate and reap the rewards once they pile up.

We will email you every time someone books from your referral, and we will also tell you your accumulated credit each time.

Studio credits expire within a year, but each time a new booked referral comes in, your credit expiration date extends to a year from the new referral date. Credits cannot be redeemed for cash and can only be used within Ling Wang Photography.




Can I earn credit if I have never been a Ling Wang Photography client?

We only offer the referral program to our former clients.

What if the person I referred is a former Ling Wang Photography client?

You can only earn studio credit on new clients. If someone was a former Ling Wang Photography client, the credit will not apply.

Does the referral require a special code?

No code is necessary. As long as they mention your name for the referral, the credit is yours. Even if they never spoke with you and only saw your photos on social media, you will still earn the credit if they mentioned you or your photos as the reason they are booking with us.

Can I transfer my credit to someone else?

For your credit to transfer to someone else for a photoshoot, you will need to be involved with the planning and payment of that photoshoot. For example, if you’re a business that has worked with us before and has referred clients to us, you can book a photoshoot for your employee with your credit. Another example is if you’ve booked a photoshoot for your oldest child before, but you want the credit to go to another child’s portraits in the future, that is fine with us. However, we do not allow the transfer of studio credits to go from friend to friend if the person who earned the credit is not a part of the planning and payment of the photoshoot.

Can you explain the one-year studio credit expiration?

Here’s an example. Let’s say your friend Suzy booked with us on 1/20/24 on your referral. We will send you an email letting you know that you earned the credit, and it is available for use until 1/20/25. If it is not used within that time frame, your credit disappears. If a second referral from you came in on 12/20/24, then your total studio credit gets extended until 12/20/25.

How do I redeem the studio credit?

You can email or call 346-367-6906, and let us know how you would like to redeem the credit.